Frequently Asked Questions About Eliminating Chronic Pain
Do I really have to do my exercises every day?
YES. Your central nervous system has developed specific muscle patterning to compensate for your dysfunctions. In order to change that, you must stimulate new muscle patterns on a daily basis.
Will my exercises make me sore?
Your path to success may include ups and downs. Occasionally the exercises may cause some delayed muscle soreness as you begin to integrate new muscle patterning.
Does insurance cover Pain Free with Oscar therapy?
NO. During your appointment your specific set of sequenced exercises will be determined by a posture evaluation, biomechanics assessment, gait analysis, and functional tests. Pain Free with Oscar is not a medical facility. A medical diagnosis will NOT be made as we do not accept or bill your insurance.
When am I finished with Pain Free with Oscar therapy?
Timelines will differ from client to client. Our initial goal is to eliminate your pain. The majority of our clients are clients for life. They often schedule 2-3 “maintenance” visits per year, even after they have achieved pain free results.
Should I continue to see my massage therapist, chiropractor, etc?
YES. The Pain Free with Oscar therapy is a great complement to manual therapies.
Is Pain Free with Oscar therapy any different than taking yoga or Pilates class?
YES. Your exercises are designed to address your dysfunctions and goals. You will work one-on-one rather than in a class or group setting.
Should I continue with my current activities?
All activity and movement is positive when your body is correctly aligned. It may be necessary to avoid certain activities initially – until the body returns to a neutral position. Straighten before you Strengthen.
Do I need lots of expensive equipment?
NO. Your therapy will be specific to you and may require the use of some simple, inexpensive foam blocks, straps, or pillows.
I have a friend I want to introduce Pain Free with Oscar therapy. May I bring them with me to my appointment?
ABSOLUTELY! We encourage our clients to bring others to their appointments, or even to send their friends in to talk to learn more about the program.
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